act Management Consulting GmbH

Leistung. Nachhaltig. Steigern.

9. Juni 2024

Psychology and Computers

Technology has an impact on or affects virtually every aspect of modern life and it’s no different when it comes to psychology. In the same way that technology affects how people behave and think, as well as how they work, psychologists employ technology to explore, understand and even treat mental health issues. Technology also aids psychologists in their research by giving them the ability to gather and analyze data faster and more precise than they otherwise be able to. From using computers in fMRI imaging to developing electronic symptom assessment and tracking tools for patients suffering from anxiety and depression technology is an integral element of psychological treatment and research.

Technology can also impact the relationship humans have with the digital systems in which they interact with every day. Some of the most famous technology companies have large departments of psychologists who are experts in perception and cognition of humans. They conduct research studies to determine how people react to certain designs and then provide recommendations in line with their findings. The majority of the time, when you use a piece of technology, such as your phone or Facebook you are benefiting by the collaboration safety tips between psychology and computer science.

At Notre Dame, Sidney D’Mello is one of many researchers working at the crossroads between computers and psychology. His research focuses primarily on „affective computing,“ which is the study that studies how computers are able to recognize and interpret, emotions. For example, his team has developed a model that could enable a computer to know when a person is likely to be frustrated or anxious, so that it can take action before that occurs.